Unleashing the Value of Membership
Mission, vision statements and core values vary from one association to another. Yet despite their differences, associations are poised to play a vital role in our society. They give voice to an industry or any group that shares a common concern. They provide a host of member benefits including networking, professional development, information, research, statistics and a forum to discuss common problems and solutions. Yet despite all these resources and services, surprisingly few members take advantage of these programs.
According to the 2014 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report, association executives now believe that it is the member’s lack of engagement with the organization that is the number one reason for not renewing.
Once a primary resource for relevant industry-specific information, associations now compete with a host of tailored information resources proliferating online. LinkedIn has over two million groups, mostly organized around professional needs and interest. Private firms have entered the fray by holding their own industry networking events and offering seminars, conferences and other educational programs.
Where the strength of an affinity benefits organization may have once been in the group buying power of its member base, it is now its level of knowledge of that membership, and how it is applied, on members’ behalf. Member needs are constantly changing. Associations who stay in touch, keeping their finger on the pulse of issues affecting all aspects of member lives, will remain relevant and create a level of unvalued unmatched by any of the emerging competitive threats.
Bodden Partners specializes in affinity-based marketing. If you would like us to provide a custom assessment of your marketing, contact us at info@boddenpartners.com
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